
UX/UI App Design
Project Overview
Over the following weeks you will build foundational knowledge, identify insights, develop a deep understand of and empathy with your users, and create a product that delivers the requirements of the brief above.You will begin the project by focusing on the human centered design approach, understanding your users' needs and their relationship with the issues raised by the client are paramount to creating a useful and relevant product.You will need to build a digital product as required by the brief. You may choose to design a website or a mobile app. Perhaps a game or other experience. Your product must be targeted at a specific user group as identified in the brief. By the end of the course you will prototype the platform and you will document your process from initial user research all the way to the end-point.Along the way, you will learn to conduct user research and identify useful insights about your target and the product, you will learn to create personas that help you navigate the project, you will learn to ideate and wireframe. And then you will learn about building prototypes using Adobe XD, Figma and other tools, about creating augmented reality experiences using Adobe Aero, and documenting the UX and UI process by using Adobe Spark.
#1: The UX Phase Deliverables: Use Adobe Spark Page to create a document detailing the Human Centered Design Research stages of your project. Include the following:

Ethnographic Research: Write-up your findings and insights that emerged from interviewing, fly-on-the-wall observation, contextual inquiry, walk-a-mile immersion.
User Personas: 1 set of minimum 5 user persona profiles
Problem Framing: Present a Problem Tree Analysis
Concept Ideation: Thumbnail sketches, a creative matrix and an alternative world

#2: The UI Phase Deliverables:Create a Spark Page detailing the UI Design phase of your project. Include the following:

Wireframes: You should present lo-fi renditions, ideally thumbnails, detailing the messy process of figuring out a user journey. Also include the hi-fi iterations.
User Journey: Remember your personas? Take one of them through your product.
Style Guide: Present a style guide detailing typography, colors, iconography, UX writing examples, art direction and any other system components that are necessary
Prototype: Create a prototype on Adobe XD or Figma, and maybe an AR feature on Adobe Aero.
In 2022, there is no more denying climate change is a real global issue that requires urgent attention. Living in California, our team has seen and experienced, first hand, the impacts on our costal environments. When received this brief we felt inspired by the possibility of being able to do something about the deteriorating health of the coast and our planet overall.

We were been tasked with the challenge to develop a mobile app that encourages local coastal communities to take action and help preserve their coastal environments, through the following functions:

Engage the greater community to volunteer in preservation efforts
Provide a way to educate others about coastal habitats, why they matter, and how they can be maintained
Promote advocacy for more sustainable ways to produce, recycle, and reuse
Gamify active awareness and activism such as promotion, donations, or volunteerism
Elevate news, companies, organizations, and/or individuals focused on this progress
Integrate virtual or augmented reality to connect preservation outcomes with visual impact
Encourage social media sharing to create momentum
Project Brief
Spring 2022