Building Awareness

Orihon Style Folding Booklet
Project Brief
Emphasis will be placed upon original concept development and the exploration of diverse processes, techniques and methods. (photography, screen printing, xerography…) You will be expected to experiment and explore, thereby expanding on your visualizing skills.
Project Summary
Design an orihon style folding booklet visualizing the unique personality and character of your interview partner and their relationship to nature, specifically around water. Collect information (see questions below) about them in order to interpret and transform your research into a compelling design using abstract pattern development, storytelling, poetry, quotes, lyrics etc.
Interview Questions
The project begins with an interview. The questions are:

1. Who inspires you? Why?
2. What color do you most resonate with? Why?
3. How do you access your intuition?
4. How has life changed you since Covid?
5. What invitations are you offering to the world?
6. Tell me a transforming experience you’ve had in nature.
7. What makes you feel connected with the world?
8. How do you quiet your mind?  
9. When do you experience fluidity?
10. What is one thing you want me to know about you?
Interview Overview
Interviewee : Athena
Spring 2022
The stories that stood out to me during the interview mixed with her personality was used to create this design. She spoke about how she connects more with nature by being more conscious about the food she consumes. Athena also mentioned cruising helped her get into her intuition and help calm her mind. The main element I used is the color she resonated with which is a sage green as the basis of the color to the design. Another point that stuck out to me is her love of coconut water. It used this as inspiration to display her journey and growth.